reforestation sites in 7 countries,
That’s a lot of news!

Cameroon reforestation

Cameroon is quickly becoming a key area of reforestation activities for Graine de Vie. In only 6 months we already stablished 11 tree nurseries. This week we distributed cash crop seedlings to the local population so that they plant on…
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Direct seeding

Our #reforestation method of direct seeding in Madagascar has shown great success over the years. And because Madagascar has favorable climate conditions, the results are visible in only few months. Here we see young seedlings grown from direct seeding activity 5 months…
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400 tree nurseries

Since our inception in 2009 we created and maintain over 400 tree nurseries in 5 countries. All of them exist because they are created and maintained with full support of indigenous communities. They improve livelihood thousands of villagers: they provide…
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From seed to tree

From seed to tree – that’s what we do and it’s all 100% organic. So what is our source of seeds? We collect them straight from the local trees/plants, store them in specialized storage facilities (constructed by locals with all…
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Youdo play Ltd.

Thank you Youdo-play our UK EcoPartner – for giving us the opportunity to share our story with your network. Youdo play has been our partner for a while now, compensating their business’ footprint by planting thousands of trees in Madagascar.
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First nursery in RDC

Graine de Vie inaugurated our first tree nursery in Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). With the help of our Togo team, our newly established RDC team was trained to begin our reforestation activities in the vast regions in the country…
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Benin Sterculia foetida trees

Climate conditions in Benin are very favorable for tree growth, giving us an opportunity to sequester CO2 very quickly after sowing. Sterculia foetida trees which we planted only 2 years ago have grown several meters high and terminalia catapa’s trees…
Read more Benin Sterculia foetida trees