The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “GTCU”) is to define the rules governing the use of the website.

Acceptance of these terms and conditions is evidenced in particular by use of the website. Where applicable, the GCU supplement the General Terms and Conditions of Sale available on the website, concerning the use of the website.

The General Conditions of Use may be subject to subsequent modification by Graine de Vie. They are enforceable against users of the site as soon as they are put on line, and cannot be applied to the previous period.

The General Conditions of Use are subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the Mons courts will have sole jurisdiction.


Anyone with an Internet connection can access the website.

As such, they benefit from access to certain free information (articles, newsletter).

Users declare that they are aware of the risks associated with the Internet, and in particular the risks of misappropriation and piracy.

The user assumes any costs that may be claimed by the mobile operator for access to the connection services required to use the Website.


Graine de vie makes every effort to ensure that the website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, access to the website may be interrupted for maintenance, updates, emergency repairs, or in the event of circumstances beyond Graine de vie’s control.


It is the responsibility of the website user to ensure that their equipment and tools are compatible with the website.

The identifiers and passwords used and/or communicated to the user are personal, confidential and non-transferable.

The use of these identification elements is the sole responsibility of the user..


4.1 All elements of the Site, whether graphic, visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by intellectual and industrial property law, in particular copyright, trademarks or patents.

They are the exclusive property of Graine de vie or its licensors.

Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright.

4.2 The user, who has a personal Internet site, has the possibility of placing, for personal use, on his site, a simple link referring directly to the home page of the Graine de vie site, subject to the prior acceptance of Graine de vie.

Under no circumstances may the creation of this link be considered as an implicit affiliation agreement with Graine de vie.

Any other type of hypertext link to the site, in particular using the “framing” or “in-line linking” technique, is strictly forbidden by Graine de vie.

In all cases, any link must be removed on simple request from Graine de vie.

4.3 In case of breach of the above obligations, the user will be solely liable to Graine de vie. The user undertakes to guarantee and compensate Graine de vie for all consequences, particularly financial, of such breaches.

4.4 Furthermore, to ensure fair and responsible communication, any mention of the Graine de vie brand and/or use of the logo is subject to agreement and validation by Graine de vie.

Any use of content (notably photographs and video) from Graine de vie is subject to the mention of credits © Graine de vie.

The Customer remains entirely responsible for respecting the laws and regulations in force in the context of his activities and the use of Graine de vie services, and in particular his social, fiscal and accounting obligations.

In this respect, user profile pages can be personalised with a photo and a short text.

Graine de vie excludes all liability of any nature whatsoever relating to the Visual, to the files containing it and/or to the data transmitted; to the rights, whatever their nature, attached to the Visual, to the files and/or to the Customer’s data; as well as, without limitation, to the printing, reproduction, representation, downloading of the Visual, of the files and/or of the Customer’s data, by any process whatsoever and whatever the medium.

Similarly, Graine de vie is not responsible for the compliance of the Visual, files and/or any Customer data with applicable legislation, in particular, without limitation, legal provisions relating to sponsorship.

In general, Graine de vie cannot be held responsible for the content of pages personalised by customers.

4.5 The Customer guarantees that the files, data and the Customer’s Visual do not infringe any intellectual and/or industrial property rights or related rights, nor do they infringe the image rights, privacy rights or any other rights of a third party.

The Visual, all files and/or data must under no circumstances infringe any legislation or regulations in force.

The Visual, all files and/or data must under no circumstances reproduce any image of a public figure whose representation would be used for commercial, cultural, political or religious purposes.

Graine de vie cannot be held responsible for variations in colour or rendering of the Visual, given that the quality of the image reproduced depends on the quality of the Visual downloaded by the Customer.


Graine de vie’s personal data protection policy can be consulted here.


Your contribution as a donor is anonymous by default. You can make it public by authorising, within your personal space, the publication of your surname and first name as entered, as well as the photograph you have uploaded.

You can upload a photograph or your company logo to your personal space. The addition of such a photograph is optional and subject to your agreement. By consenting to this publication, you explicitly accept that your first and last names and the photograph you have uploaded may be used, in whole or in part, by Graine de vie, for the sole purpose of publication in Graine de vie media. You also acknowledge that you are fully entitled to your rights and cannot claim any remuneration for your image rights.

You may withdraw your consent at any time in your personalised space..