Personal data protection policy

Introduction :

As part of its activity, Graine de vie collects and processes personal data in order to provide information and services to its contributors and partners .The purpose of this privacy policy is to govern the processing of personal data by Graine de vie.

With a presence in Belgium and abroad, the company is committed to complying with current legislation and regulations on the protection of personal data, and in particular :

  • Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the (of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR);

In accordance with current regulations, the data controller undertakes to process its users’ personal data fairly, lawfully and transparently for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.

1. Definitions

Personal data, hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”, is defined under Article 4(1) of the RGPD as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Processing of personal data, hereinafter referred to as “Processing”, is defined in Article 4 §2 of the RGPD as any operation or set of operations carried out by automated means and applied to data or sets of data, such as, in particular, collection, recording, storage, consultation and use.

The User is designated, within the meaning of Article 4 1) of the RGPD, as a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number or an online identifier.

2. Who is responsible for processing the data collected?

Graine de Vie acts as data controller in the collection and processing of personal data.

The registered office of Graine de Vie , ASBL, is located at Grand Place 28, 7070 Le Roeulx, Belgium. The company is registered under the number BCE 0811.750.042.

As the data controller, Graine de Vie ensures a high level of protection for the Personal Data of the persons concerned at all stages of processing (collection, storage, destruction, etc.).

3. What data is collected and for what purpose?

During your interactions with Graine de Vie and as a User, you may be asked to communicate information about yourself. In accordance with the principle of minimisation and protection of privacy by default, only the data necessary for the following purposes are collected:

Data that you transmit directly :

  • Data relating to civil status, i.e. surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address and postcode, in order to benefit from communications sent by Graine de Vie;
  • The professional data needed to respond to a job offer – data such as CVs, qualifications, career paths and diplomas obtained – may be collected;
  • Any other information you wish to share with Graine de Vie

The data we collect in the course of our relationship :

  • Data relating to the personalised area, i.e. encrypted identifiers and passwords enabling connection to the personal area;
  • Financial transaction data, as part of a payment and in order to fulfil contractual obligations, encrypted information relating to the means of payment as well as the data required for your donation may be collected;
  • Communication data, i.e. the e-mail address when subscribing to a newsletter.

The data we collect automatically :

  • Browsing data and in particular cookies collected automatically, whether they be technical cookies necessary for browsing the website, statistical cookies, and on the basis of consent, advertising cookies or those necessary for redirection to our social networks.

4. For what purposes and on what legal basis?

In accordance with the principle of data minimisation laid down in Article 5 c) of the RGPD, only the data necessary to achieve the objectives set out in advance are collected. Accordingly, personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Subscription to the newsletter, keeping up to date with Graine de Vie news and information on environmental issues, on the basis of the User’s consent.
  • Creation of a personalised space on the website for fundraising purposes
  • Consultation of job offers for pre-contractual measures

Your participation is anonymous. If you agree, you may make your donation public.

5. How long is the data kept?

In accordance with article 5 d) of the RGPD, personal data collected and processed for the above-mentioned purposes shall be kept for a limited period of time and strictly necessary for the achievement of the stated objectives.

Data concernedGoalsShelf life
Identification dataInformation How the personal account works and how to access it on the site3 years from the last contact with the User
Professional dataApplying for a job2 years from the last contact with the candidate
Data relating to financial transactions and contact detailsFulfilment of contractual obligations and connection to the personalised areaLife of the contract plus the applicable limitation period
Navigation dataCollection of cookies when browsing the website13 months from collection

6. What types of measures are taken to protect the security, integrity and confidentiality of data?

Graine de Vie undertakes to take all technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection and security of Personal Data, in particular against any loss, alteration, distribution or illegal use.

Graine de Vie ensures that such measures are put in place for all operations carried out in the context of its processing, and in particular during the collection of Personal Data, its storage and hosting.

In this respect, Graine de Vie also ensures that any third parties it may call upon (technical service providers, suppliers, etc.) comply with this requirement to protect the User’s Personal Data by implementing appropriate measures, in accordance with the RGPD. The technical and organisational measures put in place may include the use of secure registration forms, encryption and/or restricted access to Personal Data.

Graine de Vie invites you to exercise the utmost caution when communicating your Personal Data, as well as your personal identifiers and passwords allowing access to the site and the application, to third parties.

Some messages or requests received may come from individuals with malicious intent, seeking to obtain personal information from the User for fraudulent purposes (a practice known as phishing). If the User receives a message that appears to be a phishing attempt, they are advised not to respond and not to open any attachments, images, or links contained in the message.

7.   Which subcontractors do we use

As part of its activities, Graine de Vie may engage subcontractors, for which it commits to maintaining an adequate level of protection.

Furthermore, all transfers of personal data to subcontractors located outside the European Union are regulated and provide all appropriate safeguards, notably through the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses, which ensure an adequate level of protection and the safeguarding of your fundamental rights.

8.   What are the User’s rights?

You have the right to access, rectify, and object to the processing of your data, as well as to request erasure and data portability when your data has been collected based on consent and/or in the performance of a contractual obligation.

To exercise these rights, you must send your request, along with proof of identity (name, first name, unique identifier), to the following postal address: Graine de Vie, Grand’Place 28, 7070 Le Roeulx, Belgium, or to

In case of a dispute, you have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the competent supervisory authority.

9. Use of cookies

A cookie is a small computer file placed and read when visiting a website or using a mobile application, regardless of the type of device used (phone, computer, tablet, etc.).

Its purpose is to collect information related to your browsing activity and to deliver content tailored to you. Only the issuer of a cookie can read the information it contains during its validity period.

The placement of non-purely technical cookies is subject to obtaining your consent. To manage cookies according to your preferences, we encourage you to consider the purpose of each cookie, as outlined below, when configuring your settings.

The website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Purely technical and necessary for the functioning of the site: These cookies allow the Site to operate optimally and securely. They also enable the retention of some of your choices, when desired.
  • Social networks: To check if you are connected to third-party services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).
  • Targeting: To enable us to target the user browsing our Site (via email campaigns, database enrichment) either after their visit or in real-time.
  • Audience measurement: To track statistical data on Site traffic (i.e., how users interact with the Site, helping us improve its services) and to help us measure and analyze the effectiveness of our online interactive content, features, advertisements, and other communications.

Through these cookies, third parties may collect and use your browsing data for their own purposes, in accordance with their privacy policies.

You can withdraw your consent at any time for the placement of cookies during your browsing on our Site.