News – Graine de vie Compensation carbone Reboisement Reforestation à Madagascar au Togo et au Benin Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:58:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News – Graine de vie 32 32 Partnership with Ixina Sun, 26 May 2024 10:52:39 +0000 We are very proud to be chosen by Ixina as their partner in the efforts to reduce their company’s impact on the environment.  Ixina’s long term commitment to help us to reforest Madagascar is exemplary.


Africa suffering from climate change Wed, 27 Mar 2024 15:07:11 +0000 This is a main reason for Graine de Vie doing reforestation in Africa. The climate crisis is not only destroying our nature, but it has extreme life threatening effects on the African population. Our community led activities help to improve the livelihood of thousands of people by restoring the natural environment of their existence.

Graine de Vie embarks on carbon credit projects Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:54:24 +0000 We’re embarking now on several carbon credit projects in order to provide more opportunities to enterprises to offset their emissions. In partnership with ALLCOT, we will reforest 10,000 hectares of degraded land in the Congo Basin and make a great impact on improvement of livelihood of the local community.

Permaculture initiative through community participation

Celebrating the commitment of African people to reforestation Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:38:44 +0000 We often talk about the importance of reforestation and its positive impact on fighting the climate change. We celebrate international day of forests, international day of wetlands or international days of biodiversity, and many others to increase the conscience and responsibility of Earth’s population about the need of us all to participate in restoration of our  natural resources . But I think that we don’t celebrate enough the commitment of communities who are most affected by the climate change and who’s dedication to restore their natural environment is just breathtaking. So, this photo collage is for them. Thank you for your devotion and every day’s hard work to help Graine de Vie to reforest Africa.



NEXXT Immo planting 25,000 trees Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:39:03 +0000 NEXXT IMMO (Strasbourg) has a reason to be proud!! The company sponsored plantation of 25,000 trees in Madagascar to offset their carbon footprint. Thank you Nexxt Immo for your support of Graine de Vie.

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Reforestation of Brickaville, Madagascar Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:35:04 +0000 We’re continuing our drilling work on project sites on the east coast of Madagascar in the Brickaville district. The objective is to make 7500 holes for eight sites. The 3-year project aims to set up nurseries for environmental education in 8 public elementary schools and to reforest 8 ha at each site. We are currently preparing the reforestation phase, which will take place from January to February.

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Malagasy military participates in reforestation Mon, 12 Feb 2024 14:45:17 +0000 Everyone in local communities of Madagascar can participate in reforestation with Graine de Vie – including the military. The Diego-Suarez military sponsors their own nursery producing 21,000 mixed seedlings. The replantation of the seedings began on February 3rd (2,400 planted) and the soldiers will continue to plant them daily in reforestation zones until beginning of March.

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Century Box Mainetti partnering with Graine deVie Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:01:05 +0000 We join Century Box Mainetti in their celebration of this significant company milestone. With the exemplary commitment to lower their #environmentalimpact more #forests are restored, environmental #biodiversity is protected and the #livelihood of local communities is greatly improved.

Reposting Century Box Mainetti post:

We are overjoyed to announce a remarkable achievement in our journey towards sustainability and environmental regeneration. Since the launch of our partnership with the incredible NGO, Graine de Vie NGO, we have planted an astounding 36,000 trees in our nursery in Madagascar!
This significant milestone is not just a number—it represents our deep commitment to creating a greener, healthier planet. Our nursery is flourishing with a diverse mix of fruit trees, cash trees, and canopy trees, each playing a vital role in restoring ecosystems, supporting local economies, and combating climate change.
Our collaboration with Graine de Vie has enabled us to make a tangible impact, demonstrating that together, we can create a sustainable future for our planet and its people. These 36,000 trees are a testament to what we can achieve with shared vision and dedication.
As we celebrate this achievement, we remain focused on our goal of nurturing the environment and empowering communities. We’re not just planting trees; we’re growing hope, opportunity, and life.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative. Your belief in our mission fuels our determination to push boundaries and make a difference.

Here’s to growing together and reaching new heights in sustainability. 🌳💚

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Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation project Tue, 26 Dec 2023 20:58:49 +0000 “In the heart of Madagascar’s Antolojanahary village, where a once deforested landscape now stands as a testament to hope and resilience. 🌳 The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation supported this Reforestation Project led by Graine de Vie. In just three years, the landscape has undergone a magnificent metamorphosis, with 32,800 trees planted, 20,000 acacia seeds sown, and 84.33 hectares reforested.

Beyond the numerical impact lies a narrative of community commitment. The engagement of nearly 7,600 parents and students in Antolojanahary and neighboring villages signifies a community united for environmental preservation. This successful model stands as a potential blueprint, encouraging us to explore its application in other regions for a broader positive impact.”  Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation


Mangrove Restoration in Madagascar Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:12:47 +0000 Our mangrove restoration efforts continue, and we often engage with partners to help us with the tedious manual work.   Many hands were needed recently to plant 5,000 propagules in the Diego mangrove (Madagascar).  Thank you to our partner Enelec for supporting our efforts and providing those helping hands.

And we took the opportunity to follow up on our previous restoration zones of the mangrove: results are magnificent, nature is regenerating fast. 💚🌳🌍

Tour of Wako nursery in Madagascar Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:09:36 +0000 We’d like to share with you a virtual visit to tree nursery sponsored by our long-term supporter WAKO S.A.  The nursery is located in the commune Marovato – District Andapa – Région SAVA -Madagascar.  One of the nicest nurseries in the region produces 10,000 seedlings each year which are distributed free of charge to be replanted in the local private planting parcels and community reforestation zones.  Thank you Wako for your continuous support.



Giving Tuesday – 5 reasons to add trees to your CO2 reduction plan Wed, 20 Dec 2023 12:30:38 +0000 Today is Giving Tuesday.  Every year this day it’s a powerful reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant impact. 💙 Let’s join hands and channel our collective energy towards creating positive change for the human race by donating to fight climate change.


Landscape restoration project in treeless village of Togo Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:19:25 +0000 Vo prefecture. Commune Vo 1, Akogoe village in Togo. 3 years ago, this entire village was treeless, the local community was greatly affected. With Graine de Vie’s landscape restoration project and collaboration of local stakeholders the situation changed rapidly.
👇The images of today.

Dry Forest and Graine de Vie sign an agreement Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:08:22 +0000 On October 16, Graine de Vie and Dry Forest signed a 3-year partnership agreement.  The agreement formalizes the close technical collaboration that has existed between the two reforestation NGOs since the creation of Dry Forest and its 3 tree-nurseries in 2020.

Graine de Vie supports Dry Forest by providing seeds, equipment, technical support in nursery management and a share of the remuneration of a tree-nurseryman per nursery.

Many thanks to Graine de Vie for its collaboration and support!

In pictures the signing of the agreement, and the recent visit of the Graine de Vie team to Dry Forest.

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Schools engagement in reforestation Sun, 17 Dec 2023 12:03:23 +0000 “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” said JFK. He couldn’t be more right and that’s why Graine de Vie’s  community engagement strategy includes young generation in Africa. Their inclusion in our reforestation efforts helps ensure the longevity of trees we plant to fight the effects of climate change.

For the seasonal reopening of the nursery in the rural commune of Mahavanona, in the DIANA region of Madagascar, teachers from CEG Mahavanona school and their students rallied up to help us achieve our goal of 10,000 seedlings in the nursery.

Mangrove restoration in Ambilobe District, DIANA region of Madagascar Sat, 16 Dec 2023 11:58:11 +0000 We are thrilled to share news from our Madagascar team about a remarkable accomplishment of local community involved in mangrove forest protection.  Few years ago, Ankazomborona, a village located in the Ambilobe District, DIANA region Madagascar, engaged in a mangrove reforestation and protection project (785ha) with the support of WWF.  Today, during the 2-months shrimp season, the village supplies 10-14 tonnes of mangrove shrimp per day!!!

There is no question that forests and their biodiversity have many benefits to us all. Yet the direct impact they have on communities living around them is enormous.  Remote African communities rely heavily on forests for their source of sustenance for their families.  Partnering with these communities for forest protection is a win-win for us all: thanks to their active improvement the longevity of environmental projects is more secured.



Environmental Education in Madagascar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:48:12 +0000 Our environmental education and awareness-raising activities continue. 375 6th and 5th grade students from CEG Sahavoay school in Mandritsara, SOFIA region, Madagascar, accompanied by 6 teachers and the Graine de Vie team, potted seedlings in The Barn Bio Market sponsored nursery. 7,000 pots were potted with the pupils active participation.



MNP and Graine de de Vie agreement signed Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:35:51 +0000 We are proud to announce that yesterday Graine De Vie and Madagascar National Parks signed a new cooperation agreement to amplify activities related to joined reforestation projects aiming to restore ecosystems, raise awareness among local communities by involving them in project work, and establishing tree nurseries in surrounding areas.
This agreement marks another key milestone of collaboration between MNP and Graine de Vie in our joint fight against the effects of climate change.

Community plantation Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:31:39 +0000 Graine de Vie actions bear fruit – literally! 12 ha of private land in Madagascar (Sakaramy/Diego II) was reforested in 2019 and it continues to strive with cash crop and forest trees together. Every year this reforestation trees produce fruit for the parcel owner and sequester CO2 to help the planet. This is a perfect example of how our community development projects are improving livelihoods of thousands of people and empower them to restore and protect their natural environment

Benin Community Inclusion Testimonial Thu, 14 Sep 2023 20:48:09 +0000 Actions speak louder than words, but actions + words are a proof of results. A testimony of local farmer in Benin, with whom Graine de Vie (through our local partner CEDV) worked to restore his estate, demonstrates how we engage with local communities. Our reforestation strategy includes a strong commitment to involve local communities in restoring their natural environment and providing them with means to improve their livelihood. Our trees nurseries provide employment and a source of income. The seedlings are distributed free of charge and planted in villager’s land parcels, creating a source of food and income (fruit and cash crop trees).  Hence, our projects are well preserved and maintained long term by the communities where we are present.

Partner spotlight : POP MEDIA Sat, 02 Sep 2023 13:23:43 +0000 Partner Spotlight: 4,000 clove trees were planted last week and 10,000 more are planned to be grown in a nursery sponsored by our long-term contributor Pop Media (Belgium). Many thanks to Pop Media’s lasting commitment.



Tonnellerie Baron sponsors a new project Wed, 02 Aug 2023 12:06:38 +0000 Last week’s signature of cooperation agreement between Madagascar National Park Ranomafana and Graine de Vie coincided with first installment of our new reforestation project sponsored by Tonnellerie Baron (France).  Reforestation integrated into local life around Ranomafaa Park –

Reforestation of private properties on Burkina Faso Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:32:15 +0000 The Graine de Vie Burkina Faso team carries on its reforestation activities on many private properties. It’s good to see that not only the local authorities but also private citizens of the country understand what’s at stake with nature-based solutions to climate change.

Reforestation site of Amborinala, SAVA region Tue, 11 Jul 2023 14:25:59 +0000 It’s amazing how quickly the trees grow in Africa to start absorbing carbon dioxide. Here are 4 years old trees we planted in partnership with the military on a reforestation site of Amborinala, SAVA region, Madagascar (planted by direct seeding in 2019). #reforestation #carboncapture #carbonoffsets

Preschool children in Benin planting trees Sat, 01 Jul 2023 14:39:29 +0000 “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” – JKFs words could not be more true. With the current climate crisis, children are our ONLY hope. Here are preschool children in Benin planting trees with Graine de Vie in their school yard. #climatecrisis #childrenmatter #reforestation #carbonreduction

This child planted his tree 3 years ago Sun, 14 May 2023 14:45:35 +0000 This child planted his tree 3 years ago at his home and this is what it looks like today. We are grateful to all children who get involved with our activities.
Sapling source: nursery site in Sambava region SAVA Madagascar.
Children are a cornerstone of our future – including the well being of our planet’s forest. That’s why we put a lot of emphasis on educating children about the value of forests. We give them tree saplings to plant, they care for them and then enjoy the grown trees.
#reforestation #carbonoffsets #climateaction

Celebrating the Earth Day 2023 Sun, 14 May 2023 14:19:57 +0000 Celebrating the Earth Day 2023 last Saturday Graine de Vie Madagascar – Region DIANA, proposed 3 mangrove restoration activities, with the help of our local Partners (ACD2 , DREDD DIANA , Chief FKT Marofady and a group of University Students:
1.     Cleaning the surrounding zones
2.     Awareness session about importance of forests
3.     Actual restoration of 1 ha of mangrove with planting 2000 propagules
#earthday2023 #mangroves #carbonoffset

Scouts helping Graine de Vie with our direct seeding Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:30:28 +0000 [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.20.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Everyone participates in the efforts of reforestation of Madagascar. The local chapters of scouts helping Graine de Vie with our direct seeding reforestation efforts in the area of Montagne des Francais, Antsiranana.
#reforestation #fightclimatechange #treeplanting



Reforesting, conservation and accounting for our work efforts Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:28:34 +0000 [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.20.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Reforesting, conservation and accounting for our work efforts is a big job as the sites are often in very remote and difficult to access zones. Our teams travel for days to reach them. The last trip (couple of weeks ago) took 3 days: 5-hour river crossing by motorized canoe before reaching the village of Antanandavahely. From there, 2,5 days walk on foot to reach Betsirebaka restoration plot in Masoala Park, Madagascar, where we planted on 50ha of degraded land. #conservation #reforestation #treeplanting #carbonfootprint



Direct seeding produces fast results Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:25:52 +0000 Reforestation with direct sowing in Madagascar produces very fast results – young seedlings are visible in just a few weeks after seeds were panted in the soil. And in no time they are ready to absorb CO2. With the help of indigenous people we sow direct millions of seeds every year.

#climatechange #planttrees @grainedevie #carboncapture

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restoration of mangroves in Andovobe Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:05:34 +0000 This week’s day of restoration of mangroves in Andovobe, commune Ampondra, District Vohemar, Region SAVA, Madagascar. 3000 propagules were planted on 2 ha of mangrove to restore with the participation of local community, including 30 students.
#mangroves #reforestation #planttrees #carbonoffsets


Cameroon reforestation Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:04:26 +0000 Cameroon is quickly becoming a key area of reforestation activities for Graine de Vie. In only 6 months we already stablished 11 tree nurseries. This week we distributed cash crop seedlings to the local population so that they plant on their own tree lots: 7,000 seedlings in the Commune of Doumé (East region) and 21,000 seedlings in the Commune of Mbandjock (Central region). The species we distributed include: cocoa, citrus, non-timber forest products, acacia carabinia, safflower, nymier, wild mango, wild olives, badamiers, mango, jackfruit and more. #agroforestry #treeplanting #reforestation #carbonreduction


400 tree nurseries Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:47:36 +0000 Since our inception in 2009 we created and maintain over 400 tree nurseries in 5 countries. All of them exist because they are created and maintained with full support of indigenous communities. They improve livelihood thousands of villagers: they provide jobs, produce food (fruit trees) and they become a focal center of local activities. #reforestation #fightinghunger #carbonoffset

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From seed to tree Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:45:49 +0000 From seed to tree – that’s what we do and it’s all 100% organic. So what is our source of seeds? We collect them straight from the local trees/plants, store them in specialized storage facilities (constructed by locals with all local materials) and before they are planted in nurseries or in situ we pre-treat them in a natural process. Graine de Vie owns the process from A to Z to ensure that all is done with respect of the local nature. #climatechange #carbonoffset #planttrees

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Youdo play Ltd. Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:43:58 +0000 Thank you Youdo-play our UK EcoPartner – for giving us the opportunity to share our story with your network. Youdo play has been our partner for a while now, compensating their business’ footprint by planting thousands of trees in Madagascar.

Local villagers planting trees in Madagascar

Burkina Faso educational seminars Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:42:03 +0000 In collaboration with the headmaster and school director of high schools in villages of Koro and Kotedougou, Burkina Faso, Graine de Vie delivered education seminars to pupils to raise their awareness of negative impact of bush fires on their living environment. Bush fires in the are often caused by children.
#carbonemissions #carbonfootprint #environmentaleducation

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First nursery in RDC Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:40:23 +0000 Graine de Vie inaugurated our first tree nursery in Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). With the help of our Togo team, our newly established RDC team was trained to begin our reforestation activities in the vast regions in the country.
#climatecrisis #reforestation #carbonreduction

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Benin Sterculia foetida trees Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:39:09 +0000 Climate conditions in Benin are very favorable for tree growth, giving us an opportunity to sequester CO2 very quickly after sowing. Sterculia foetida trees which we planted only 2 years ago have grown several meters high and terminalia catapa’s trees planted 3 years ago are already producing fruit.
#reforestation #carbonfootprint #carboncapture

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Commune de KIIKI Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:37:34 +0000 For 5 days this month Graine de Vie Cameroon’s team, with help of local villagers, carried out intensive situ seeding of 20 hectares. The project includes reforestation of this 180-hectare reserve within the next 2 years.
#planttrees #carboncapture #carbonfootprintreduction

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VOHIMARINA Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:36:31 +0000 Our annual distribution season of young seedlings has began. Thousands of local villagers and associations line up at our nurseries to receive free plants to be replanted in their own plots and reforestation zones around their villagers. In VOHIMARINA : Commune AMBATOASANA Centre, Region ITASY (Madagascar) 10,000 seedlings were distributed. The tree species include: citriodora, accacia, jacaranda, ravitsara, moringa and coffee. #reforestation #treeplanting #carbonoffset

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Burkina Faso Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:26:52 +0000 Another country joins the ranks of our cause: Burkina Faso. Our new team on the ground just started few weeks ago and is already very much at work establishing our first nurseries on the Burkinabe soil. #reforestation #carbonfootprint #planttrees #grainedevie

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Reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry Thu, 20 Jan 2022 17:51:11 +0000 As part of the official opening of the national reforestation campaign in the eastern region of Madagascar, GrainedeVie has provided more than 80,000 seeds for the reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry.
GrainedeVie, present in Madagascar since 2009, implements sustainable development projects in 19 regions of the island.
Offset your carbon footprint by supporting our projects!


Happy-New-Year-2022 Sat, 25 Dec 2021 09:41:29 +0000 Happy-New-Year-2022

World Environment Day June 5 Sat, 05 Jun 2021 07:47:49 +0000 [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”World-Environment-Day” title_text=”World-Environment-Day-June-5-2021″ _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
