Our philosophy
Graine de Vie is a network of non-governmental organisations working in the field of reforestation integrated into local life since 2009. Each organisation has a volunteer board of directors and a multidisciplinary executive team.
Our approach is based on 4 pillars
Graine de Vie was born of a local initiative in response to major deforestation in the north-east of Madagascar. Since then, we have continued with this approach. We are convinced that local communities are best placed to define and implement solutions to the degradation of their natural ecosystems.
Our teams work with different stakeholders (private sector, public sector, scientific community, civil society organisations, etc.) to create synergies between them. This makes it possible to provide financial, structural and technical support for sustainable environmental management and the fight against climate change.
People living in developing countries are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Moreover, trees planted in these countries have a much higher carbon capture rate and generate food and economic resources for these populations, who are the first to suffer from global warming. This is why we are currently working in Africa.
Graine de Vie’s activities contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on several levels. We address a number of cross-cutting issues: gender, food security, job creation, reducing inequalities, protecting, restoring and sustainably managing terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, etc.
Carbon offsetting
The creation of certified carbon credits on our reforestation projects is an opportunity for our NGO to develop projects while at the same time granting village populations significant income enabling them to initiate other local development projects. Our ambition is to combine our reforestation actions with improving the well-being of the local population, and thereby increase villagers’ support by motivating them to protect the reforested plots.
At the same time, we enable our partners to combine their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions with voluntary offsetting through our projects.

It’s time to act!
In just two centuries of industrial revolution, mankind has succeeded in damaging, often irreversibly, its habitat, the Earth, the magnificent and fragile result of millions of years of evolution.
The destruction of forests has reached such proportions that, every year, more than twelve million hectares of forest disappear, an area equivalent to four times the total surface area of Belgium.We do not have the right to leave our children the sole legacy of our shortcomings. If we fail to act, we will be guilty of failing to assist humanity in danger.
Frédéric Debouche, Chairman and founder of Graine de Vie