Become an eco partner of graine de vie

Many companies are aware of their impact on the environment.
Your company can also offset its ecological footprint and benefit from tax advantages by joining our network of Eco Partners.

Benefits for partners :

  1. You’re taking concrete action!
  2. You increase the visibility of your brand and help to build loyalty among your employees and strengthen the commitment of your customers.
  3. You will be able to deduct payments made to us for tax purposes (depending on the type of donation and the country of the Eco-partner).
  4. Your company will be listed on the Graine de Vie website with a direct link to your own website.
  5. You will be able to publicise our partnership in your internal and external communications.

Choose your Eco Partner profile

Partner for tree planting

Plant trees to offset your residual emissions

3 levels of partnership:


annual donation of €500 – €5,000
Collective reforestation zones


annual donation of €5,000 – €10,000
Specific projects for partners


donation > 10 000 €

Custom programme

CO2 partner

Finance reforestation projects

  • Creating new forests
  • Forest preservation initiatives
  • Awareness-raising activities
  • Certified projects
  • Ideal for organisations wishing to become carbon neutral

Made-to-measure partnership

Founding partner

Protecting and restoring forest reserves

  • National awareness and reforestation programme
  • Support for the fight against poverty
  • Designed for charities to support their environmental initiatives

Made-to-measure partnership

Would you like to become an Eco Partner? Contact us now!

With the support of our EcoPartners, we are making a difference.

We partner with organisations that want to offset their carbon footprint. With a wide range of flexible engagement models, an EcoPartner can rally employees and customers around a common cause, make its products ‘greener’, allocate CSR budgets to help meet sustainability targets or make donations to protect and restore the Earth’s natural resources.