make a donation

Offset your ecological footprint by supporting the creation of new carbon sinks through (agro)forest and mangrove ecosystems.

Donations received enable us to implement sustainable environmental management projects in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar, Togo, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Choose your amount

20 trees
for 10€
40 trees for 20€100 trees for 50€150 trees for 75€
One time
Monthly donation
Free amount

For bank transfer payments :

BE 87 0015 8400 0094 (BIC: GEBABEBB)
LU 79 0030 8840 8864 0000 (BIC: BGLLLULL)

* Donations are tax deductible in Europe depending on your country or residence. Belgian donations from 40 € are 45% tax deductible. For example, a donation of €50 will actually cost €27.5.

* To obtain a certificate in due form, please provide us with your first name, last name and address. Graine de Vie will send you a tax receipt in March of the year following your donation.

* If you make a donation by bank transfer, please write your first name followed by your surname and the word “donation” in the field “Communication free” (for example: Marie Durand donation). This will allow your donation to be added automatically to your online declaration or to your simplified declaration proposal.

Legacies or Duo Legacies


Any bequest made to our NGO is taxed at the very favourable rate of 7%. A joint bequest is also possible. This is a tax-efficient technique for distant heirs who would otherwise be heavily taxed. Talk to your notary about it.