100,000 meals for the confined of Madagascar
May 6, 2020


We distributed 100.000 meals to the confined in Madagascar. As we feared, COVID-19 arrived in Madagascar where the government imposed containment.

This is a tragedy for the poorest families who find themselves without resources and therefore without food.
We, therefore, decided to intervene and to use our contacts and our teams to distribute 5,000 packets to 5,000 selected families in the most precarious neighborhoods.

Each packet contains 5 kilos of rice, fruit and vegetables, oil and soap, and will enable a family to eat for 3 to 4 days.

At the end of this program more than 100,000 people will be able to eat decently for several days.
Help us to do more by donating your help to account BE60 0017 4158 3870 in the name of Graine de Vie.

Of course, each payment of at least 40 euros will give rise to a tax reduction of 45% of the amount.

Thank you for spreading this message around you.
The Graine de vie team

Thank you in advance

The Graine de Vie team