Movie of Iary, 9 years old, spending his holidays with his grandparents in the country.
October 23, 2019

This is the short story of the movie soon to be released.

From our correspondent, Onjatiana Ravoninjatovo.

Iary plays with his kite and ties it to a tree for an outdoor lunch with his grandmother and grandfather, in a contrasting landscape of green surrounded by burnt land.
The grandparents tell him how everything had changed and how they spent a peaceful childhood in the middle of the forests that provided them with everything they needed to survive. Iary suddenly runs to catch his loose kite.
On the way, he crosses landscapes ravaged by flames and ends up meeting Dera, the tree nurseryman and a group of children planting young trees. He then follows them to learn everything about their activity. The nurseryman teaches him everything there is to know about planting trees.
It is getting late and his grandparents, accompanied by several people from their village, are looking for Iary… Who end up crossing him.
Iary is very happy with everything he has just learned about trees, fully aware of what to avoid in the future. He comes to bring the good news back to his grandparents’ village, eager to take them all to plant in turn.