Support for the restoration and protection
of mangroves in Benin

Completion period : 2023-2027

Overall objective: Combat climate change and biodiversity loss

Local partner: NGO Chaque Enfant a Droit à la Vie (CEDV)

Institutional partners:

  • Benin Ministry for the Living Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Technical partner: Climate Lab

Intervention areas

Restoration and protection activities will take place within the Togbin-Adounko and Vodounto Community Biodiversity Conservation Areas (CBCAs). In order to limit human pressures, community orchards and forests for sustainable harvesting will be set up around the intervention areas.

Combating climate change

The aim of this project is to strengthen the resilience and adaptation capacities of ACCB residents in the face of climatic hazards.

Conserving and sustainably exploiting the oceans, seas and marine resources

The aim is to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems in order to avoid the serious consequences of their degradation.

Preserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems

We are targeting the sustainable management of all types of forest with a view to significantly increasing afforestation and reforestation worldwide.

Eradicate poverty in all its forms

Indirectly, we enable vulnerable people to access their rights to economic resources, to the products of their land ownership and to natural resources.

Ensuring food security and promoting sustainable agriculture

The establishment of community orchards also contributes, to a lesser extent, to the food self-sufficiency of project beneficiaries.

Press review