Reforestation in Madagascar, our future depends on it
November 4, 2019

“Reforestation is our future”.A reforestation awareness film that denounces abusive deforestation.
This is an 8-minute short film, intended for schoolchildren, but suitable for all audiences.

Planting is a simple gesture but a noble gesture, that is the main message that GRAINE DE VIE wants to convey to the youngest because they represent the future and hope.

This story is about offering a solution called reforestation in order to preserve the environment, to make every child aware of the need to plant trees in a world ravaged by the alarming disappearance of forests, a world that has become careless about the future for future generations.

We made this film in Madagascar with the help of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Please spread it around you so that it can be seen by as many people as possible.

This film is intended to be shown in all primary schools based in Madagascar. To do this, we ask for any form of help that could make it possible!

The Graine de vie team 

L’ histoire de Iary