Reforestation program in Benin
June 18, 2020

The Graine de vie philosophy is to do reforestation directly with the populations of the villages that draw resources from the forest. After Madagascar and Togo, we are planting our first trees in Benin where we plan to create 5 nurseries this year.

In addition to the environmental aspect, our activities have a significant social aspect because:
1)- half of the trees we plant are trees that produce food resources for the daily life of inhabitants (fruit
2)- Graine de Vie employs not only full time but also temporary day labourers providing financial means to thousands of people during different phases of plantation: from production to tree planting (nurseries, fence making, seed harvesting, terracing, potting, transplanting, transporting seedlings, digging wells, etc.).
3)- Graine de Vie raises awareness of hundreds of thousands of people about the need to protect and restore forests to ensure a better future for humanity.