reforestation sites in 7 countries,
That’s a lot of news!
reforestation sites in 7 countries,
That’s a lot of news!
Time to plant in Togo
It’s time to plant in Togo! 50,000 young seedlings were distributed yesterday to 100 local families and farmers at our nursery of Kusuntu in the town of Kloto 1. #planttrees #carbonfootprint #reforestation
Raising Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness raising is a part of our NGO’s charter. This includes activities in schools with active involvement of schoolchildren. Recently we delivered seminars in schools of Cotonou (Benin) about the protection of the environment and in particular protection of trees. #reforestation #environmentaleducation
restoration of mangroves in Andovobe
This week’s day of restoration of mangroves in Andovobe, commune Ampondra, District Vohemar, Region SAVA, Madagascar. 3000 propagules were planted on 2 ha of mangrove to restore with the participation of local community, including 30 students. #mangroves #reforestation #planttrees #carbonoffsets
Cameroon reforestation
Cameroon is quickly becoming a key area of reforestation activities for Graine de Vie. In only 6 months we already stablished 11 tree nurseries. This week we distributed cash crop seedlings to the local population so that they plant on…
Back to school in Madagascar with help of Graine de Vie
Back to school in Madagascar with help of Graine de Vie. Each year we provide the necessary supplies to school pupils and the admin staff in the villages where we have tree nurseries.
Firewalls to protect 1,200 ha of forest in the Ambohitantely National Park
It is just as important to protect the forest as it is to reforest it and that is also a part of our charter. Recently, together with the team from Madagascar National Parks, we were hard at work to create…
SENSEO’s sponsored nursery in Madagascar
While drinking Senseo’s coffee we now compensate for its footprint by planting trees. SENSEO’s sponsored nursery in Madagascar (Fokontany Vohidragnay, commune Tatao, district Manakara, region Fitovignany) has a forecast of 40.000 young trees to be planted this year.#senseo #reforestation #planttrees #carbonoffsetting
Direct seeding
Our #reforestation method of direct seeding in Madagascar has shown great success over the years. And because Madagascar has favorable climate conditions, the results are visible in only few months. Here we see young seedlings grown from direct seeding activity 5 months…
400 tree nurseries
Since our inception in 2009 we created and maintain over 400 tree nurseries in 5 countries. All of them exist because they are created and maintained with full support of indigenous communities. They improve livelihood thousands of villagers: they provide…
From seed to tree
From seed to tree – that’s what we do and it’s all 100% organic. So what is our source of seeds? We collect them straight from the local trees/plants, store them in specialized storage facilities (constructed by locals with all…
Youdo play Ltd.
Thank you Youdo-play our UK EcoPartner – for giving us the opportunity to share our story with your network. Youdo play has been our partner for a while now, compensating their business’ footprint by planting thousands of trees in Madagascar.
Burkina Faso educational seminars
In collaboration with the headmaster and school director of high schools in villages of Koro and Kotedougou, Burkina Faso, Graine de Vie delivered education seminars to pupils to raise their awareness of negative impact of bush fires on their living…