reforestation sites in 7 countries,
That’s a lot of news!
reforestation sites in 7 countries,
That’s a lot of news!
Reforestation program in Benin
The Graine de vie philosophy is to do reforestation directly with the populations of the villages that draw resources from the forest. After Madagascar and Togo, we are planting our first trees in Benin where we plan to create 5…
Arbor Day in Togo – June first 2020
It was Arbor Day yesterday in Togo.Through these photos, beyond the gaze of these people happy to plant trees, don’t you see the image of a world that can change?
Distribution of seedlings in Togo
Distribution of 340.000 seedlings by Graine de vie Togo. We decided to be actors in the fight against global warming by creating nurseries in African communities that want to protect and restore their forests.The rainy season has just started in…
New tree nurseries in the Betsiboka region
Tree nurseries were opened by our team this week in the region of Betsiboka between Tana and Majunga. We have a lot of requests for help and partnership in the fokontany. Some pictures of the new nurseries
100,000 meals for the confined of Madagascar
We distributed 100.000 meals to the confined in Madagascar. As we feared, COVID-19 arrived in Madagascar where the government imposed containment. This is a tragedy for the poorest families who find themselves without resources and therefore without food.We, therefore,…
First Graine de Vie Tree nursery in Benin
First Graine de vie tree nursery has just been created in Benin in the capital Cotonou not far from the Abomey Calabi University. 4 days of activity from Wednesday 26th to Saturday 29th.We put in fast-growing plants to reforest in…
Agreement between Graine de vie, Ministry of Education and Actions Sans Frontières
Signature of the agreement between Graine de Vie, the Ministère de l’éducation nationale, and Actions sans frontières today February 20th, 2020 For this first year, we are going to set up nurseries of 500 trees for schoolchildren in about thirty…
Reforestation of the 3,000 hectares of the high plateaus using the “direct seeding” technique
Monday, February 3rd. From our communications manager in Tana, Miss. Onjatiana Ravoninjatovo. The official launch of the reforestation of the 3,000 hectares of the highlands through the technique of “direct seeding” in the Commune of Fihaonana, with the presence of…
Radio Planète Plus – Togo
Our local manager Gerard Doga in full action! February 1, 2020. Kpalimé – Togo – New program this morning on Radio Planète Plus of the A.C.D, the Association Culture and Development. Program on the environment. The continuation of a series…
Mayors’ Meeting in Vohemar – 31 January 2020
Awareness raising and presentation of the Graine de vie Project programs in SAVA region Mayors meeting in Vohemar district. Especially here, there is less presence of Graine de vie, hence the presentation by the Director of this NGO at the…
Tree nursery management training, École Catholique de Bon Pasteur, in partnership with École verte de Diego.
Tree Nursery management training at École Catholique de Bon Pasteur, in partnership with École verte de Diego.
Reforestation with the help of the National Army of Madagascar
Reforestation with the army, site of Andranganala on an area of 500 Ha, from our local responsible Onjatiana Ravoniniatovo