Burkina Faso

Another country joins the ranks of our cause: Burkina Faso. Our new team on the ground just started few weeks ago and is already very much at work establishing our first nurseries on the Burkinabe soil. #reforestation #carbonfootprint #planttrees #grainedevie

Reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry

As part of the official opening of the national reforestation campaign in the eastern region of Madagascar, GrainedeVie has provided more than 80,000 seeds for the reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry. GrainedeVie, present in Madagascar since 2009, implements sustainable development projects in 19 regions of the island. Offset your carbon footprint by supporting…

World Environment Day June 5

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Reforestation with direct seeding, it works !

Graine de Vie has been developing for 5 years a direct seeding tree planting technique which consists of selecting, treating and planting seeds directly into the soil and we are making great progress. Here are tree seedlings of several species whose seeds were planted last April near Manakara (south-east of Madagascar) with a success rate…

Liège airport finances the restoration of the Analamerana reserve

To reduce the carbon footprint linked to the operation of its infrastructures, the Liège airport authorities are financing a program for reforestation of the Analamerana reserve in north-eastern Madagascar with the creation of tree nurseries in the villages surrounding the reserve and the planting of 120,000 trees each year. Two new nurseries were created this…

100,000 meals for the confined of Madagascar

  We distributed 100.000 meals to the confined in Madagascar. As we feared, COVID-19 arrived in Madagascar where the government imposed containment. This is a tragedy for the poorest families who find themselves without resources and therefore without food.We, therefore, decided to intervene and to use our contacts and our teams to distribute 5,000 packets…

Agreement between Graine de vie, Ministry of Education and Actions Sans Frontières

Signature of the agreement between Graine de Vie, the Ministère de l’éducation nationale, and Actions sans frontières today February 20th, 2020 For this first year, we are going to set up nurseries of 500 trees for schoolchildren in about thirty schools and supply 2,000,000 seeds thanks to the bags of 5,000 seeds that we have…

Reforestation of the 3,000 hectares of the high plateaus using the “direct seeding” technique

Monday, February 3rd. From our communications manager in Tana, Miss. Onjatiana Ravoninjatovo. The official launch of the reforestation of the 3,000 hectares of the highlands through the technique of “direct seeding” in the Commune of Fihaonana, with the presence of the Chief of General Staff of the Malagasy Army, CEMGAM. Nearly 200 soldiers participated in…

Global reforestation potential

Article related to tree restoration and reforestation, source : http://science.sciencemag.org Extract Reforestation remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation.We mapped the global potential tree coverage to show that 4.4 billion hectares of canopy cover could exist under the current climate. Excluding existing trees and agricultural and urban areas, we found that there…

Mangrove forest restored by Graine de Vie

A mangrove forest, restored by Graine de vie since 2009. At the moment life has almost recovered, the crustaceans have enjoyed themselves, the fish find their production areas there and the crabs can live easily. The preservation and security of this site will be the subject of an agreement with the local population, Villa Ambodirafia…

Reforestation in Madagascar, our future depends on it

“Reforestation is our future”.A reforestation awareness film that denounces abusive deforestation. This is an 8-minute short film, intended for schoolchildren, but suitable for all audiences. Planting is a simple gesture but a noble gesture, that is the main message that GRAINE DE VIE wants to convey to the youngest because they represent the future and…

Movie of Iary, 9 years old, spending his holidays with his grandparents in the country.

This is the short story of the movie soon to be released. From our correspondent, Onjatiana Ravoninjatovo. Iary plays with his kite and ties it to a tree for an outdoor lunch with his grandmother and grandfather, in a contrasting landscape of green surrounded by burnt land. The grandparents tell him how everything had changed…