Africa suffering from climate change

This is a main reason for Graine de Vie doing reforestation in Africa. The climate crisis is not only destroying our nature, but it has extreme life threatening effects on the African population. Our community led activities help to improve the livelihood of thousands of people by restoring the natural environment of their existence.

Graine de Vie embarks on carbon credit projects

We’re embarking now on several carbon credit projects in order to provide more opportunities to enterprises to offset their emissions. In partnership with ALLCOT, we will reforest 10,000 hectares of degraded land in the Congo Basin and make a great impact on improvement of livelihood of the local community. Permaculture initiative through community participation

Celebrating the commitment of African people to reforestation

We often talk about the importance of reforestation and its positive impact on fighting the climate change. We celebrate international day of forests, international day of wetlands or international days of biodiversity, and many others to increase the conscience and responsibility of Earth’s population about the need of us all to participate in restoration of our …

Malagasy military participates in reforestation

Everyone in local communities of Madagascar can participate in reforestation with Graine de Vie – including the military. The Diego-Suarez military sponsors their own nursery producing 21,000 mixed seedlings. The replantation of the seedings began on February 3rd (2,400 planted) and the soldiers will continue to plant them daily in reforestation zones until beginning of…

Century Box Mainetti partnering with Graine deVie

We join Century Box Mainetti in their celebration of this significant company milestone. With the exemplary commitment to lower their #environmentalimpact more #forests are restored, environmental #biodiversity is protected and the #livelihood of local communities is greatly improved. Reposting Century Box Mainetti post: We are overjoyed to announce a remarkable achievement in our journey towards sustainability and environmental regeneration. Since the launch of our partnership…

Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation project

“In the heart of Madagascar’s Antolojanahary village, where a once deforested landscape now stands as a testament to hope and resilience. 🌳 The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation supported this Reforestation Project led by Graine de Vie. In just three years, the landscape has undergone a magnificent metamorphosis, with 32,800 trees planted, 20,000 acacia…

Giving Tuesday – 5 reasons to add trees to your CO2 reduction plan

Today is Giving Tuesday.  Every year this day it’s a powerful reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant impact. 💙 Let’s join hands and channel our collective energy towards creating positive change for the human race by donating to fight climate change.  

Dry Forest and Graine de Vie sign an agreement

On October 16, Graine de Vie and Dry Forest signed a 3-year partnership agreement.  The agreement formalizes the close technical collaboration that has existed between the two reforestation NGOs since the creation of Dry Forest and its 3 tree-nurseries in 2020. Graine de Vie supports Dry Forest by providing seeds, equipment, technical support in nursery…

Mangrove restoration in Ambilobe District, DIANA region of Madagascar

We are thrilled to share news from our Madagascar team about a remarkable accomplishment of local community involved in mangrove forest protection.  Few years ago, Ankazomborona, a village located in the Ambilobe District, DIANA region Madagascar, engaged in a mangrove reforestation and protection project (785ha) with the support of WWF.  Today, during the 2-months shrimp…

MNP and Graine de de Vie agreement signed

We are proud to announce that yesterday Graine De Vie and Madagascar National Parks signed a new cooperation agreement to amplify activities related to joined reforestation projects aiming to restore ecosystems, raise awareness among local communities by involving them in project work, and establishing tree nurseries in surrounding areas.This agreement marks another key milestone of…

Community plantation

Graine de Vie actions bear fruit – literally! 12 ha of private land in Madagascar (Sakaramy/Diego II) was reforested in 2019 and it continues to strive with cash crop and forest trees together. Every year this reforestation trees produce fruit for the parcel owner and sequester CO2 to help the planet. This is a perfect…

Benin Community Inclusion Testimonial

Actions speak louder than words, but actions + words are a proof of results. A testimony of local farmer in Benin, with whom Graine de Vie (through our local partner CEDV) worked to restore his estate, demonstrates how we engage with local communities. Our reforestation strategy includes a strong commitment to involve local communities in restoring…