
Articles related to Graine de Vie and reforestation

From seed to tree

From seed to tree – that’s what we do and it’s all 100% organic. So what is our source of seeds? We collect them straight from the local trees/plants, store them in specialized storage facilities (constructed by locals with all local materials) and before they are planted in nurseries or in situ we pre-treat them in a natural process. Graine de Vie owns the process from A to Z to ensure that all is done with respect of the local nature. #climatechange #carbonoffset #planttrees

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Youdo play Ltd.

Thank you Youdo-play our UK EcoPartner – for giving us the opportunity to share our story with your network. Youdo play has been our partner for a while now, compensating their business’ footprint by planting thousands of trees in Madagascar.

Local villagers planting trees in Madagascar

Burkina Faso educational seminars

In collaboration with the headmaster and school director of high schools in villages of Koro and Kotedougou, Burkina Faso, Graine de Vie delivered education seminars to pupils to raise their awareness of negative impact of bush fires on their living environment. Bush fires in the are often caused by children.
#carbonemissions #carbonfootprint #environmentaleducation

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First nursery in RDC

Graine de Vie inaugurated our first tree nursery in Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). With the help of our Togo team, our newly established RDC team was trained to begin our reforestation activities in the vast regions in the country.
#climatecrisis #reforestation #carbonreduction

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Benin Sterculia foetida trees

Climate conditions in Benin are very favorable for tree growth, giving us an opportunity to sequester CO2 very quickly after sowing. Sterculia foetida trees which we planted only 2 years ago have grown several meters high and terminalia catapa’s trees planted 3 years ago are already producing fruit.
#reforestation #carbonfootprint #carboncapture

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Commune de KIIKI

For 5 days this month Graine de Vie Cameroon’s team, with help of local villagers, carried out intensive situ seeding of 20 hectares. The project includes reforestation of this 180-hectare reserve within the next 2 years.
#planttrees #carboncapture #carbonfootprintreduction

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Our annual distribution season of young seedlings has began. Thousands of local villagers and associations line up at our nurseries to receive free plants to be replanted in their own plots and reforestation zones around their villagers. In VOHIMARINA : Commune AMBATOASANA Centre, Region ITASY (Madagascar) 10,000 seedlings were distributed. The tree species include: citriodora, accacia, jacaranda, ravitsara, moringa and coffee. #reforestation #treeplanting #carbonoffset

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Burkina Faso

Another country joins the ranks of our cause: Burkina Faso. Our new team on the ground just started few weeks ago and is already very much at work establishing our first nurseries on the Burkinabe soil. #reforestation #carbonfootprint #planttrees #grainedevie

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Reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry

As part of the official opening of the national reforestation campaign in the eastern region of Madagascar, GrainedeVie has provided more than 80,000 seeds for the reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry.
GrainedeVie, present in Madagascar since 2009, implements sustainable development projects in 19 regions of the island.
Offset your carbon footprint by supporting our projects!


Tree planting day in Togo

All our teams are hard at work distributing and helping the population to plant the 850,000 tree seedlings from our 25 nurseries

Graine de Vie visits Benin

We already deployed 6 tree nurseries producing 180.000 seedlings. In Benin we will launch several new projects with the help of the authorities and the local NGO CEDV.

First tree nurseries in Ghana

After Madagascar, Togo, Benin and Cameroon, here are our first tree nurseries in Ghana.
Grainedevie, reforestation integrated into local life.

Help us to distribute useful tree seedlings free of charge to all those villagers who see their environment disappear.


Mangrove restoration Nosy-Hara marine park

Restoration day at the mangrove of the marine park of Nosy-Hara. Already 110.000 mangrove plants transplanted since 5 years by the women of the village in difficult conditions because of the mud.


Nosy-Hara Marine Park

Tree nurseries in Cameroon

A small summary of Grainedevie’s actions in Cameroon. Here you can see the tree nurseries(4) in CAMEROON in December 2020.

Central region.
-1 Mbandjock department of haute sanaga
-1 kiiki department of Mbam inoubou.

Western region.
-1 mbouda department of Bamboutos.
-1 Batcham Bamboutos department.

And the adventure continues.